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Dr. Roberto Petrucci gives homeopathic consultations in the Homeopathic Center of Milan and in Rapallo (Liguria).

If you need informations mail to a cdo@centrodiomeopatia.it or call +39 – 026472405 from 2 pm to 7 pm (if you speak italian).

The Center of Homeopathy (CENTRO DI OMEOPATIA) was founded in 1997  with the aim of  promoting and supporting the education of  medical doctors in the sphere of natural medicine, as well as in the  development of  homeopathy.

The school started its activities in 1999 pursuing the projects started in 1994 with the teachers at the So Wen School and  later carried on by the Association Center for classical Homeopathy of Milan.

During these years have been organized, in cooperation with ASTERIAS, the “three-years basic course”, as well as the “continuing education”, the “master course”, the “materia medica viva course” and more than 60 “workshops of classical homeopathy”.
The Centre has 2 types of activities: as a Medical division and as a School.

The Medical division is managed by the teachers of the school and by doctors graduated at the school.
The School applies the guidelines of the most important European organizations for homeopathy, with regard to the method of teaching and the education of the doctors.

The CENTRO DI OMEOPATIA of Milan is associated with the CENTRO DI OMEOPATIA of Catania.

These are both members of the “Department School – Education – Teaching of the Italian Federation of the associations and of the Homeopath Doctors (FIAMO)”, the program of these is being applied by 14 schools of homeopathy medicine all over Italy , the qualifications of the FIAMO teachers are according to  the standards meant by the ECH (European Committee for Homeopathy).

When possible, the activities of the CENTRO DI OMEOPATIA of Milan will be notified to the Ministry of Health for the assignment of the ECM (medicine continuing education) credits.